Entries are now open for the Fulton County Fair Beauty Pageants and the Youth Talent Contest. All pageants and the youth talent contest will be held in the Salem Civic Center at the Fulton County Fairgrounds. Pageants for ages four months– 12 years will be held on July 14 at 7 p.m. Junior Fair Queen (age14-17), Fulton County Fair Queen (age18-23), and the Youth Talent Contest will beheld on July 15 at 7p.m. Interviews will start at 4 p.m. Entry forms are available online at www.fulton-countyfair.org or maybe picked up at the Fulton County Fair Office, 124 Arena Lane, Salem AR 72576. A Photogenic Con-test will also be held and it is not necessary to enter the pageant to enter the photogenic contest but we encourage contestants to enter both the pageant and photogenic con-test. All entries for pageants, photogenic and talent are due by July1, 2023. For more information on the pageants and the youth talent contest, con-tact a member of Zeta Omicron Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi or call the fair office at 870-895-5565.

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Tammy Curtis