Tammy Curtis, Managing Editor

We see them every year at intersections and other public locations.  Labor Day marks the day that the firefighter’s boots come out, with fire departments nationwide opening their hearts and boots to raise funds to help fight muscular dystrophy. 

It all began when a group of families affected by muscular dystrophy approached Boston Firefighters Local 718 in 1954 to ask professional firefighters to help fight the disease. Responding enthusiastically, the firefighters took to the streets with their boots in hand to ask Greater Boston to make donations to fight muscular dystrophy (MD).

The Fill the Boot campaign was an instant success, a pivotal initiative in the Muscular Dystrophy Association’s fight against muscular dystrophy. 

The International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) membership passed a resolution to support this campaign until treatments and cures are found.

Over the past 73 years, firefighters have raised over $700 million through Fill the Boot and other annual fundraising campaigns supporting MDA’s mission. 

Continued support has enabled MDA to bring over 20 treatments to market in the last five years, provide an in-person and virtual summer camp experience to more than 800 kids, and support over 150 Care Center institutions that provide our families with the highest quality care from the best doctors in the country. Because of firefighters’ support, MDA has funded research directly linked to FDA-approved therapies across multiple neuromuscular diseases. These therapies are life-changing for MDA families, giving them greater access to life’s possibilities. Funding supports the advancement of care through the MDA Care Center Network and much-needed education, recreation, advocacy, and community programs. This would not have been possible without the support of the IAFF and firefighters across the United States.

The IAFF is the MDA’s largest national partner. Their dedication and hard work have been instrumental in the campaign’s success, as have the countless hours they have volunteered at MDA Summer Camps.

 For more than thirty years, members of the Cherokee Village Fire Department and Volunteer Auxiliary have participated in this annual fundraising campaign.

On Monday, Sept. 2, firefighters will be stationed near Cherokee Village City Hall at Santee Drive, in front of Carol’s Lakeview Restaurant, and at Casey’s. Be sure to drop by and donate to this wonderful cause. Other local fire departments in the area will also be participating in this annual event so, if you see them out, open your hearts and pocketbooks for this wonderful cause.