By Russell Stokes, Cherokee Village Mayor
I wish to remind everyone of the Christmas lighting contest for both homes and businesses with cash prizes awarded in each ward for homes and overall in the city for businesses. Your deadline to enter is December 15th by 4pm by contacting City Hall to enter the contest. Even if you don’t enter; show your Christmas spirit and light up the holiday this month. Also, a reminder of the Christmas Bazaar at Town Center of December 5 starting at 5:30 weather permitting.
On Thanksgiving Day I was a small part of volunteers who served over 530 meals at our Community Thanksgiving Dinner hosted by the CV United Methodist Church and sponsored by the CV Volunteer Firefighters. There were an ample number of volunteers helping out that day. The spirit of volunteerism was displayed in a lively manner as opposed to a larger neighboring city where they were advertising for help to assist with their community meal. This event spoke loads of what a small community can do. Thanks to all the volunteers who made this a successful event and a special thanks to Rob Smith for coordinating it.
At last month’s council meeting, the council approved to make an offer on approximately 3 acres of property for $5,000. This property encompasses our current enclosed Animal Control Facility which had been previously leased from S.I.D. At the recent S.I.D. meeting the city’s offer was accepted by a unanimous vote of the commissioners. Additionally, the council appropriated $16,500 to purchase a used truck to be utilized by the Street Department for snow plowing and other departmental operations. At its special meeting on December 1st, the council discussed the 2023 proposed budget which will be acted upon at the regular council meeting later this month. Also, they approved a bonus payment for employees to be paid from funds received through the America Rescue Plan Act(ARPA).
Property owners are again reminded if you are burning leaves or other yard waste; you need to notify our Fire Department. You may contact the department by calling 257-2304. They will advise you as to whether conditions are acceptable for burning.
Also, I recommend after the close of the deadline to enter the Christmas lighting contest you drive around the city to view the displays plus take in the display at Town Center and around City Hall. Finally, a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and if you are traveling over the holidays; travel safely to and from your destination.