Mack Thompson

Just one more time

Mack Thompson, Editor   I suppose all of us at some time look back on our life and wish we could experience an event or do something just one more time.  But, the passage of time and the aging process prevents those wishes.  I find myself allowing my mind to…

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The one ornament

By Mack Thompson, Editor I first want to thank my Pastor, Brother Larry for inspiring me with his sermon to write this column. By now most of you have taken down the last of your Christmas decorations and given up on those New Years resolutions. If you are a faithful…

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Say What?

Mack Thompson, Editor I spent most of my working life alone. Whether it was as a radio operator for the State Police working the twelve hour midnight shift or as a Highway Patrol Trooper in a car by myself, I had a lot of time to let my mind roam…

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More good than bad

By Mack Thompson, Editor I was at Walmart the other day and happened upon an older woman trying desperately to reach something on the top shelf in one of the food aisles. I stopped and asked her if I could get that for her and she said, “please”. I retrieved…

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