United Police Supply’s Jonathan Schmidt Memorial Scholarship Established through BRTC Foundation
Dale and Amy Barber, owners of United Police Supply, and Andrea Schmidt, wife of fallen officer Jonathan Schmidt, were recently on the BRTC Pocahontas campus to announce the establishment of the United Police Supply’s Jonathan Schmidt Memorial Scholarship.
The scholarship is named in honor of Truman Police Officer Jonathan Schmidt, a 2007-B LETA graduate, who was killed in the line of duty. The $500 scholarship will be presented to an officer at each Law Enforcement Training Academy (LETA) graduation. The scholarship will be used by the selected graduate for professional development. The graduate will be selected by LETA instructional staff and will be awarded based on attitude, work ethic, and need.
For more information about creating or supporting a scholarship, contact Karen Liebhaber at (870) 248-4185 or email her at KarenL@blackrivertech.edu.
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