Applications are now being accepted for AgDiscovery, a residential career and science exploration program for teens, Dr. Christopher C. Mathis Jr., AgDiscovery program director, said. The program is scheduled for June 11-24 at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB) campus. March 31 is the application deadline.

Dr. Mathis, who is assistant dean of research and associate research director for the UAPB School of Agriculture, Fisheries and Human Sciences, said the two-week program allows participants ages 14-17 to live on the UAPB campus and learn about agricultural science, environmental biology, industrial health and safety, plant and soil science, animal science, aquaculture and fisheries, and human sciences from university professors, practicing veterinarians and U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) professionals.

“AgDiscovery here at UAPB incorporates the School of Agriculture, Fisheries and Human Sciences majors focusing on animal science, plant science and agribusiness disciplines,” he said. “Students chosen to participate will gain experience through hands-on labs, field trips and group and team-building activities. The program is a unique opportunity for students to gain a firsthand look at the many career paths open to them in the agricultural sciences. For those interested in an agricultural career, the program is a great way to get started.”

Room and board, supplies, activity fees and meals are covered by APHIS. Parents and guardians are only responsible for the students’ transportation to and from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff.

Students currently in grades 8-11 are eligible for the UAPB AgDiscovery program. They can apply online at It is important that applicants follow directions carefully as APHIS will discard incomplete applications, Dr. Mathis said.

Enrollment in AgDiscovery is limited. Students accepted will be notified the week of

May 2. Non-selected applicants will receive a letter in the mail at the end of May. 

“During the application process, students can select their host university,” Dr. Mathis said. “There are 21 universities participating in AgDiscovery 2022.”

A complete list of host universities, brochures, information and application forms and instructions are available online at In case of questions or requests, students can also contact Dr. Mathis at (870) 575-8543 or

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