From charging documents from Oregon County Sheriff’s Department and Oregon County Prosecutor’s office and Missouri court records

A Sharp County  business owner has pled guilty to a sexual abuse charge filed against him last July. Matthew Dale Forschler, 49, was arrested by the Thayer Police Department on April 13, 2021 after criminal charges were filed against him on March 23 by Oregon County Prosecuting Attorney Justin L. Kelley. At that time, he was charged with three counts of fourth degree child molestation. The crimes were Class E Felonies. 

Judge Robert David Ray was assigned to the case on May 14. After several continuances both the state and Forschler appeared with counsel and  the State announced the dismissal of Counts I and II on July 2. 

At that time, a preliminary hearing was held as to Count III. The court found  probable cause and bound the third case over to circuit division. The the act that led to the charges occurred when Forschler, “for the purpose of arousing or gratifying the sexual desire of himself subjected the victim, who was then less than seventeen years of age, to sexual contact by placing his hands on her breasts.”

 Both of Forschler’s victims reported the alleged abuse to an adult female who passed the crimes off as Forschler was “just joking.” Both then came forward to report the abuse to authorities.

Forschler initially posted a $2,500 bond in the case and was released the day of his arrest.

Judge Steven A. Privette suspended the execution of a six month jail sentence he imposed upon Forschler in the case and sentenced him to two years of supervised probation in the case.

Forschler was represented by Alexander F. O’Neill of Thayer. 

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