The Highland FFA Chapter is composed of 54 dues paying members for the ’21-’22 school year. This year the chapter is led by President – Jakob Zeiger, Vice President – Isaac Gregory, Secretary – Logan Jennings, Treasurer – Caden Spurlock, Reporter – Nicholas Burrill, Sentinel – Gwyneth Figgins, Junior Advisor – Payton Chafin, Student Council Representative – Emma Brink and FFA Advisors Mrs. Tiffany Phillips and Mr. Michael Vest.
So far this year chapter members have held their Annual Farm Auction, competed in the FFA Trap Shooting Contest and Leadership Development Events, shown livestock, and participated in various community events. For this spring semester the chapter is gearing up for Career Development Event Competitions, spring and summer livestock shows, Donkey Basketball Game and the State FFA Convention.
To celebrate National FFA Week the members are going to provide a community service by having a campus wide clean-up day and having daily dress up days throughout the week. The goal this year was to have dress up days that the whole student body would participate in. So beginning Monday, February 21st will be America Day where students are encouraged to wear red, white, and blue. Tuesday is Support a Local Business Day, students are to wear a shirt or cap with a local business’s logo. Wednesday is Ag. Career Day, students should dress in any Ag. Career Attire they choose. Thursday is Flannel Day; wear your favorite flannel shirt. To finish the week out, Friday is Blue and Gold Day; wear all the blue and gold you can find.
The chapter officers would like to inform the community of the upcoming Donkey Basketball Game to be hosted on March 7th at 6:30 pm in the Highland High School Gym. They encourage everyone to save the date and bring the whole family to enjoy a night filled with laughter and fun. Advance tickets will be $8 where tickets at the gate will be $10. Advance tickets will become available soon.
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