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Pictured from left are Tiffany Guinnip Project Manager for Academic Affairs Lynn Bray Administrative Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Zach Perrine Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Heather Mercer Executive Director ImmunizeAR Brian Shonk Chancellor Stephanie Holder UACCB student Kaileigh Barker UACCB student

Immunize AR, with the support of the Arkansas Department of Higher Education, developed a friendly Flu Vaccination Challenge among all colleges and universities in Arkansas that wished to participate.  Eight institutions participated in the 2021-2022 College Flu Vaccination Challenge. Over 600 students and faculty/staff reported they received a flu vaccine.

The Arkansas Immunization Action Coalition is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization, which is supported by contributions from individuals, foundations, community organizations, corporations, and local and state government agencies. All monetary contributions, large and small, are valued and put to good use towards our programs and activities.  Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law under IRS regulations.

University of Arkansas Community College Batesville won the overall challenge for the 2020-2021 school year. The institution with the greatest percentage of their undergraduate student population vaccinated is the overall winner.

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