Fulton County Fair officials remind exhibitors that entries, including pageant and talent should be pre-registered by July 1.
Pageants will be held before the fair opens on July 16 and 18. Entry forms are available online on the fair website at www.fultoncountyfair.org
All Creative Arts exhibits will check in on Monday, July 18 from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Livestock, including rabbits, will check in from 5-7 p.m. on Wednesday, July 20.
The website has separate links for livestock and creative arts exhibits. The computer program does not save passwords so exhibitors will need to select a new password. The online entries for exhibits will shut down at midnight on July 1.
Creative Arts and Livestock Tabloids, including rules and entry information, are available on the fair website. Exhibitors are encouraged to visit the fair website and get a complete entry list for exhibits.
Creative Arts exhibitors who do not have access to a computer can complete a paper entry form and bring it to the fair office or mail it to Post Office Box 910, Salem AR 72576. Entry tags will be ready for pick up when exhibits are checked in on Monday. Livestock entries must be made online.
For help on fair entries or information on the 103rd Fulton County Fair, contact the Fulton County Fair Office at 870-895-5565 or email [email protected].

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