“Rockin’ His Life Away…” “You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain. Too much a lovin’ drives a man insane…” These were the opening lines that penetrated the air from a little cassette tape given to him by his dad. It was the sound, the lyrics and most of all, the rhythmic piano style that would entice an impressionable 9-year-old boy and create a fire that would turn into a passion and a longing to create
the same sound as he heard. It was here for the first time in his life that Luke found something he wanted to do with all of his heart—all thanks to “The Killer,” Jerry Lee Lewis and a present from his parents. From
that cassette and those first songs he heard, Luke began practicing and pantomiming on a broken piano.
Making any sound from it he could helped in developing his own sound and rhythm. In March of 1995, at not yet the age of fifteen, he asked his dad and mom for a working piano to play on. That was all it took—they bought him one. It could possibly be the most important and influential gift his parents could ever give him. It would prove not to go unused or be a short-lived hobby. For nearly eight and a half hours, each day after school, he practiced and practiced on that piano. The first song he fully learned was “Carrying On”, a lesser known, little rockin’ tune that Jerry Lee recorded in 1958. While he learned the music that touched his soul, it was his soul that reflected that passion and feeling. He began doing what came natural. To anyone who loves such music, what is natural is to move and feel the sound. And move he did. His rock and roll stage antics suddenly began to match his vocal and boogie-woogie piano playing performance and style. It was here Rockin’ Luke LeWolfe Stroud was born. That began nearly ten years ago, and today, “Rockin’ Luke” continues growing as his own artist. Along with playing the piano,
he has become quite the musician on guitar and drums. He writes his own songs, including one he performs in his show entitled “I’m Still Thinking of You”—a song about a love-gone wrong and the inability to forget. The tune and lyrics, although reminiscent to that of his idol, is certainly
Luke’s own.

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