By: Rebecca Lemon, SRC Intern

The Fulton County Quorum Court held their regular monthly meeting on July 25. At the opening of the meeting, the minutes and treasurer’s report were approved, and the judge began with old business.
Hailstorm damage to the county buildings was mostly covered by insurance. Only about $3,000 was not covered.

Judge Gary Clayton also brought up Jeanett Stuart’s reappointment to the hospital board. Court members had a chance to meet her prior to this meeting and unanimously agreed that she was one of the “best” people on the board, and a motion was made to approve her appointment.

When it came to new business, Judge Clayton referred to the state-aided roadwork. As of this meeting, they are just waiting on the contractor’s schedule.

Acting Sheriff Joe Boshears gave a report on the $5,000 one-time stipend grant from the state, a bill signed by Gov. Asa Hutchinson, for law enforcement. Quorum Court amended the budget and will appropriate funds.

Further new business included the discussion of the county receiving two road graders, but as of the time of this meeting, they only received one.

It was announced that the hospital would be getting a new generator system. Initially, the grant was not sufficient, but after asking for more, it is paid 100 percent.

Judge Clayton stated that he rebid for the radio system and said, “something strange happened.” The price was reduced by $6,000. The grant will pay for infrastructure, but will only pay half for the console for the Sheriff’s Office. Ambulances and the fire departments will still pay for their associated equipment.
Various organizations are asked to fill out their applications will receive American Rescue Plan A (ARPA) funds. These are awarded to groups that help the community, such as food banks and the VFW. Their fundraising abilities have been impacted by Covid-19, so the quorum court will be distributing the funds.
Next, Lori Benedict requested an executive session. When they returned, the court recommended an audit to investigate the Office of Emergency Management (OEM).

A person from the public requested that the Judge look into the situation at Boggy. There are concerns from the Sheriff and Game and Fish. He said there are, “a lot of drugs and riffraff going on.” He had been in contact with the Game and Fish Officer Derrick Winters, and asked that control of the Boggy campground be relinquished to the Army Core of Engineers.

Another comment regarding Boggy was provided by Joanna Defoe. “These people are not using lavatories,” she pointed out, concerned about the health issues should the “squatters” remain. Though the Judge mentioned he had not seen a contract for the management of Boggy between Fulton County and the Corp of Engineers, he assured them that he would “look into this.” Under this development, it is possible that the boat ramp may still be used, but the campground will be for day use only. Then, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting.

For more information, contact the Quorum Court at