An in-person hunter’s education class will be held Friday, September 9th and Sat., Sept. 10 at First Baptist Church in Ash Flat. The class is open to all persons age 10 and above who wish to gain their Hunter’s Education certification through the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. You can pre-register by going to the AGFC website at agfc.com, clicking on Hunting and going to Hunter Education and following the links. Class time is 6-9 p.m. on Friday evening and 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Saturday. Successful students will be issued a temporary card at the conclusion of the class allowing them to legally hunt by themselves until receiving their permanent card. Following the conclusion of the class at 2 p.m. on Saturday the church will host a deer antler scoring event and fellowship. Interested persons can bring their deer heads, antlers or sheds to the church where they will be scored under the Boone & Crockett system. Guest speaker Jack Hoffman from Illinois will speak at 4 p.m. on hunting trophy deer and display a world-class whitetail from the Midwest. At 5 p.m. a meal will be served for all participants. To register your antlers for scoring go to [email protected] and list your name and the type of trophy you will display A in-person hunter’s ed. The church is located at 311 Crooked Oak Road, Ash Flat (behind the Sears store).