The Cave City High School Amateur Radio Club had an eventful week! The club received their official charter from the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). Club president Ithyca B. was also notified that the CCHS ARC was awarded a grant for over $8000. Bacon stated, “To get this grant is very exciting! Our project is to purchase and install a local radio repeater. ” Local repeaters are commonly used during times of severe weather or emergency situations. Many amateur radio operators also serve as storm spotters and coordinate with local authorities in emergencies. The CCHS ARC hopes to have all the equipment installed and operational within the next few months. The ARRL Grant Foundation provides grants for amateur radio clubs under several categories that are intended to promote amateur radio, its practices, and provide community educational opportunities. School sponsor Lynn Williams said, “The club is in its beginning stages and we are excited to see it grow. It would not have happened without the persistence of Ithyca. She, along with volunteers from the Batesville Area Radio Club helped get this thing going.” The club will soon be hosting informational public meetings for anyone in the community that wants to learn more about amateur radio. Pictured from left: Tesaray KI5VTL, Vice President – Tyler KI5VOS, Treasurer – Rainey KI5VTQ, President – Ithyca KI5QOS. Not pictured: Nicholas KI5QQH.

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