The Ozarka College Foundation is proud to welcome Heath Sanders to perform at Ozarka College in Melbourne on Nov. 11.
Heath will perform a live acoustic session at the John E. Miller Auditorium beginning at 7 p.m. Proceeds will benefit the Ozarka College Foundation to support student scholarships.
Tickets are on sale for $25 online at OzarkaHeathSanders.eventbrite.com or at local Townsend Spice & Supply located at 725 E. Main Street in Melbourne.
“Come out and enjoy this rare, must-see acoustic performance with up-and-coming country star, Heath Sanders,” said Shane Linn of Townsend Spice and Supply and Ozarka Foundation board member. “We look for this to be one of Sanders’ last local and intimate shows before his draw goes nationwide.”
With over 21 million streams and named as Pandora’s 2021 Country Artist to watch, Sanders is a former Arkansas natural gas-worker-turned-songwriter whose realness informs the music he crafts. Drawing upon a lifetime of early mornings and long days, Heath emerges as the new voice of folks who identify with hard work and the blue-collar way of life.
The Health Sanders concert is the second show slated for 2022 in the Ozarka Foundation Concert Series. To learn more about how to support Foundation scholarships, contact Dr. Josh Wilson at [email protected] or 870-368-2042.