Jan.14, 10 a.m.-noon: Painting White on White. Experiment painting with white watercolor on white paper using a Georgia O’Keeffe influence. Must register by calling Artist Barb Massie at 407-766-5506. Free
Jan. 14, 10 a.m.–noon: (Normally every 3rd Saturday) Photography enthusiasts meet to discuss techniques and show their beautiful photos. Beginners’ welcome. Call or text Keith at 870-283-1037. Free
January 18 1-3 p.m.: Mix acrylic paint colors to pour over a bowl with the excess flowing onto a tile, creating amazingly beautiful designs of color. Must register by calling Artist Barb Massie at 407-766-5506. $20 for members – $25 non-members.
Jan. 21, noon–2 p.m. Annual membership meeting. All members are encouraged to attend and give their input regarding board elections, evaluation of progress toward achieving our mission, financial and budget review, and goals for the next year.
Jan. 26 11 a.m.–3 p.m.: Introduction to bead weaving. Using seed beads, work off a graph designed by the artist and create a beautiful bracelet. Must register by calling Artist Erica Sommer at 479-353-7924. $25 for members – $30 non-members.
Every 1st Saturday 10 a.m.–noon: A professional teaches developmental writing skills through various projects. Call or text Cheri 870-710-1392.
Every Monday and Friday 9 a.m.–1 p.m.: Ceramics Studio – wheel and hand building. An ongoing ceramics studio for beginners through advanced skill levels. Call Ken at 702-426-0362. $20 weekly, $65 monthly.
Every Monday and Thursday 10–11 a.m.: Tai Chi – Beginners’ welcome. Call or text Keith 870-283-1037. Free
Every Tuesday 1-2 p.m.: Come listen as they jam with Mountain Dulcimers. Free
Every Tuesday 5–7 p.m.: Crafting and Socializing. Bring a project of your own or choose something at the Arts Center, while you visit with like-minded neighbors. Call or text Cheri 870-710-1392.

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