Ozarks Healthcare will host a special ribbon cutting ceremony open to the public at its Crisis Stabilization Center located at 1100 Kentucky Ave. (entrance on 6th St.) on Friday, Jan. 13, at 11a.m. Ozarks Healthcare’s Crisis Stabilization Center is operated by its Behavioral Health Center (BHC)and is a medically monitored program funded by the Missouri Department of Mental Health (DMH)that provides an alternative to psychiatric hospitalization. In 2021, Missouri Governor Mike Parson set aside $15 million dollars to fund six new crisis stabilization centers across the state. Ozarks Healthcare’s BHC was awarded funding from the Missouri DMH to establish a crisis center in its Service Area 18. Missouri State Senator Karla Eslinger and Missouri State Representative David Evans are expected to attend Ozarks Healthcare’s ribbon cutting for its Crisis Stabilization Center on Jan. 13.“We are proud to add more services to support the needs of our community,” Tom Keller, Ozarks Healthcare President and CEO, said. “Our Crisis Stabilization Center will help address the issue of those in crisis needing real-time care and reduce these types of visits to our Emergency Department and strain on our healthcare staff and also those in law enforcement who may not always have all the resources to help these individuals. ”The Crisis Stabilization Center provides services including: psychosocial assessment, psychiatric evaluation and medical services, crisis intervention and brief therapy, peer support, case management and referral services, such as Medicaid applications, community resources, employment application assistance, housing application assistance, transportation assistance, and referrals for physical and mental health. Anyone in a mental health crisis who requires stabilization either through brief therapy techniques, medication management, or both, adults who have case management needs, including assistance to accessing sheltered housing, or adults who are currently abusing substances and require urgent assistance in accessing inpatient substance abuse facilities are considered eligible of the Crisis Stabilization Center’s services. While plans are in place for the Crisis Stabilization Center to serve as a 24-hour model, its hours are currently 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., seven days a week. For more information about Ozarks Healthcare’s Crisis Stabilization Center, visit https://www.ozarkshealthcare.com/services/behav-ioral-health/