By: Tammy Curtis, Managing Editor

Last week was a powerful week for the fam-ily of Cave City’s Jacob Moore. To say communities across the region have stepped up is an understatement. No matter which side of the goal one is on, athletes, businesses, churches, clubs and organizations across the area have donated to help Jacob and his family since learning of his diagnosis of B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia B-ALL on Jan. 7.The outpouring of support was instant and has been continuous since. Cave City has became a town of orange, the color used to show support for Moore in shirts, banners and on store fronts. Most recently, Highland Student Council is challenging HHS YOU Path classes to create a friendly competition to see who could raise the most money for Moore. It wasn’t long until area businesses jumped on board too. They matched the funds. On Feb. 7, when the Rebels played the Cavemen at Highland and passed the bucket one last time before donating the grand total of $10,000for Moore’s. There were many tears shed as athletes, members of the Highland Student Council and others witnessed the generosity. The fun competitive fundraiser will help the Moore family with the escalating medical costs associated with his treatments. The students were so proud to be able to help Moore’s family. This is the second time in as many months students and the Highland community have raised money to support Jacob. On Jan. 14, nearly $500 was collected at the High-land basketball games. Many of students, de-spite being from different schools knew his reputation for helping others, including the youth in the basketball program at Cave City. They were more than willing to do all they could to show kindness, prayer and hope for Jacob and his family, exemplifying youth com-munity service. The Highland fund-raiser was one of the many being held or al-ready completed for the Moore’s. The unexpected diagnosis has been difficult on the family, as it would be on any-one. Jacob has just completed his first month of chemo treatments. He received the diagnosis is just after beginning his last basketball season at Cave City. Just after New Years, Jacob began suffering from extreme fatigue and visited his family doctor before being referred to Arkansas Children’s Hospital. He and his family quickly made that trip to Children’s where he underwent a series of tests and, later, was diagnosed with B-ALL. Despite having undergone treatments, a second night in the week brought with it many tears of joy on Feb. 11 at Cave City’s Senior Night. Donning a protective mask, Jacob appeared alongside his parents, Randal and Dianne, and was recognized for his exceptional athletism in football, basketball, and soccer throughout his high school career .“It has been a very difficult month. He was hospitalized three times. We were so ex-cited he could attend senior night. It was great for him to see everyone and be a part of his senior year,” his mother said. Jacob began to lose his hair due to his chemotherapy treatments, but a group of his loyal friend, including Dayton Korkis, Tanner Cahall, Shawn Walling, Deagan LeBeouf, Kaden Ayer’s, Parker Davis, and several more have shaved their heads to show them their love and support for their friend. “The support from the Cave City community, as well as surrounding schools, churches and other communities has been overwhelming .The Highland school and community raised an astounding$10,000 dollars. Our family is humbled by the love , prayers and support of everyone. We would like to sincerely thank every-one for their love and support. We ask that everyone please continue to Pray Jacob well.” Doctors remain optimistic about his prognosis. Besides the GoFundMe account set up early, that has raised nearly $30,000, an account has also been set up at Bank of Cave City for donations. Dianne said Jacob has chemotherapy Monday through Friday for the next two weeks. He will then undergo two more weeks of treatments in March, but the family has not received the schedule for April.