Ozarks Healthcare was recently recognized through multiple awards at the22nd annual Health-Care Service Excellence Conference hosted by Custom Learning Systems in Orlando, Florida. The Summit Awards ceremony and Night of Excellence is a North American wide recognition program established by the HealthCare Service Excellence Conference. Pinnacle Achievers in each of the 18 award categories are eligible to receive the prestigious Summit Award, which recognizes significant achievement and dedication in improving initiatives in the following areas:- The quality of service for patients/customers- The quality of work life for professionals- The performance of organizations At the Night of Excellence on Wednesday, November 16,2022, 78 Pinnacle Achievers and 23Summit Award Recipients were recognized. Ozarks Healthcare Summit Award winners for 2022 included:· Jessica Affholder, Ozarks Healthcare Neurology – Service Excellence Advisor First Year· Karlee Marvin, Ozarks Healthcare Emergency Department – Implementation Coordinator· Louise Thompson, Ozarks Healthcare Environmental Services –Exceptional Employee Ozarks Healthcare Pinnacle Achievers for2022 included:· Chelsey Vanwinkle, Ozarks Healthcare Behavioral Health Center (BHC) – SEA Su-per Coach· Sarah James, Ozarks Healthcare Therapies – OASIS Team Captain· EZ Niles, Ozarks Healthcare IT Department – OASIS Super Coach· Josh Reeves, Ozarks Healthcare Vice Pres-ident of Development and Advocacy – Motivating Administrator· Sarah James, Joy Anderson, Holly Isom, Brandilyn Stephens, Amy Tucker, Hope Smith, Dewayne Cook, Valarie Williams, Amber Osborne, Melynni Yarber, Melody Hub-bell – OASIS Team· Tianna Niesen, Myriah Wallace, Billie Weaver, Toni Autrey, Mandy Lindsey, Addy Van os Keuls, Chelsey VanWinkle, Ozarks Healthcare BHC – DO-it Improvement Project· Ozarks Healthcare Dermatology – Medical Clinic of Choice Ozarks Health-care also received first place in a video competition related to the concept of service excellence. A group of Ozarks Healthcare staff members traveled to Orlando, Florida, to be recognized at the conference’s awards ceremony and attend breakout sessions on a variety of educational topics. Custom Learning Systems is recognized as a leading expert in helping healthcare organizations transform their service delivery by creating a culture of engagement and accountability. The company achieves this through dynamic educational initiatives, personalized coaching, and consulting. Ozarks Healthcare is one of hundreds of healthcare organizations have partnered with Custom Learning Systems in their journey to excellence inpatient satisfaction.