On March 11, a group of fourth through sixth grade students at the Christian Creators School learned the importance of public service, work ethics and contributing to their education as they served at their Banquet and Fundraiser. Prior to the meal, the students were able to go through training with a practice run by serving elders in their church, the First Baptist Church of Cherokee Village. The students set up the banquet, waited on tables during the meal and even helped with the clean up. Parents and students sold tickets and obtained donations for the event and silent auction items. It raised around $7,000in ticket sales for the meal, that was pre-pared by Eddie and Alisa Black. The group dined on Chicken Cordon Bleuor pork tenderloin with sides as the children served the meal. Over 130 plates were prepared and the event was so successful some of the coordinators did not even get a plate because they ran out of food. Board member Linda Circle laughed and said, “That is okay, they did a wonderful job.” Vicki Dienst is the school’s facilitator. Christian Creators School was established nine years ago at the church, which pro-vides the facility for the school. The tuition based private school utilizes the Abeka curriculum. This is a comprehensive, biblically-based curriculum for preschool through twelfth grade with a proven spiral learning approach. The school also provides some scholarships for students.
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