By Tammy Curtis, Managing Editor

A long running favorite means for food, fun and fellowship was forced to be halted during the pandemic, but is back. Souper Wednesdays at the Hardy United Methodist Church used to be held as a free weekly luncheon with men and women from the church spot-lighting their cooking skills and bringing the community together for the free meal. The event was a favorite among many with the samplings of soups, breads and deserts being the perfect accompaniment to a few moments of lunch fellowship. Last month the event was restarted, this time as a monthly Souper Wednesday, but the support and participation from the community was definitely a testament to the community’s love for the lunch. Last week a large crowd gathered to enjoy the beans, soups, cornbread and several decadent deserts. The Hardy United Methodist Women and several of their husbands kick in to make the day great. Next month, and thereafter on the Third Wednesday, the public is invited to sample three different soups with the fixings each month free of charge at the Fellowship Hall of the church located on Spring Street in Hardy. Next month, in honor of Mother’s Day, a Sibling Soup Cook Off will highlight the day with area siblings Jason, Jonathan and Rachel Rhodes cooking up some friendly competition for the event.