Ozarks Healthcare Therapies will offer its first parent support group on Friday, June 16, at6 p.m. in the Wil-lard Hunter Class-room located in the Ozarks Healthcare Parkway Center at 1211 Porter Wagoner Blvd. in West Plains. Therapists will provide information and support for parents of children with all types of developmental disabilities and will share tips for tracking and celebrating develop-mental milestones, living daily life at home, and how to support children with disabilities. Parents in attendance will be able to share their experiences, concerns, and questions with therapists and other parents of children with similar conditions. No registration is necessary, and parents of children with all types of developmental disabilities are welcome to attend. Pediatric physical, speech-language, and occupational therapists will also be on site during the support group to watch children as needed. For more information, contact Ozarks Healthcare Therapies at 417-257-5959

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Tammy Curtis