Fulton County Fair officials remind exhibitors that entry dead-lines for creative arts exhibits and pageants and youth talent is July 1. The deadline for livestock entries, including poultry, rabbits and horses is July10th. Any livestock entries received after July 10 will be assessed a $10 additional entry fee. Livestock exhibitors who are not entered by July 17will be assessed double entry fees. This applies to junior and open exhibitors. The ShoWorks program does not save passwords from previous years and exhibitors will need to selecta new password for2023. The fair website has links to online entries. The Pageants and Youth Talent Contest will be held prior to the opening of the fair. Youth pageants, age four months – 13years, will be held on July 14 and Junior Fair Queen, Fulton County Fair Queen, and Youth Talent Contest will be on July 15. Pageants will be open to the public at 7 p.m. each night. Junior Queens and Fair Queens are required to be present for interviews at 3:30p.m. on Saturday afternoon. All Creative Arts exhibits will check in on Monday, July 17 from1 to 5 p.m. Creative Arts exhibitors who do not have access toa computer can complete a paper entry form and bring it to the fair office or mail it to Post Office Box 910,Salem AR 72576. All livestock entries must be made online. Entry tags will be ready for pick up when exhibits are checked in on Monday. Judging will be Tuesday and the exhibit building will be closed to the public. The Fair Horse Show will be held on July 18th at 6 p.m. in the arena. Horses will not be allowed on the fair-grounds until 4 p.m. Coggins papers must be checked by an EIA Inspector before entering the fairgrounds. Livestock will check in from 5 to 7 p.m. on Wed., July 20. Poultry and rabbits will check-in from 4 to 6p.m. Poultry testing will be held at the Pavilion on Civic Center Road prior to bringing the birds on the fairgrounds. Livestock cannot be unloaded until the Livestock and Poultry Inspector checks health papers. Judging will be on Thursday and Friday. Check the fair schedule for times for different species. Links for online entries and pageant and talent entry forms are available on the Fulton County Fair website atwww.fultoncountyfair.org . For help on fair entries or information on the 104rd Fulton County Fair, contact the Fulton County Fair Office at 870-895-5565 or email fulton-countyfair1@gmail.com.