Ozarka College recently held Kids College this summer for students who will be entering grades two through seven this fall. Classes were June 5 – 8at Ozarka’s Melbourne campus. Ozarka Kids College’s theme this year was “Step into our future,” and included a fun-filled learning ad-venture, futuristic style. The students enjoyed daily STEM projects, learning about Arkansas reptiles, art projects, yoga, and cooking classes. Students took home several projects such as, a kite, art canvases, man-made snow, a planter, college ID badge, and a t-shirt. Kids College is designed to expand students’ knowledge and enhance learning through classroom les-sons and hands-on activities. The program allowed students to familiarize themselves with the Ozarka College campus in Melbourne, promoted Ozarka’s accessibility, and rein-forced the importance of a college education in today’s world.“Ozarka Kids College saw a significant in-crease in students this year doubling in size thanks to the support of our community,” said Maggie Campbell, As-sociate of Science in Education Director/Faculty. “We look forward to this being an annual event in the summer for many years to come. ”This event could not have been possible without the following: Karen Mcdonald, Karisa Phelps, Lisa Pitts, and Alisha Worsham forteaching the students, Ozarka Technology Department, Dan Lindsey for creating ID badges, Katie Norris for capturing each moment, Chris Mosley for taking the kids on a campus tour, and the maintenance team; Arkansas Extension Office for providing yoga sessions; Arkansas Game and Fish for bringing an aquarium and alligator; Southern Spark for the t-shirts; and Melbourne Subway for making lunch everyday. If you are interested in helping or supporting Kids College or would like to receive more in-formation for the up-coming summer, please contact Jill Sandlin at 870-368-2045 or [email protected].