The bond for a man originally accused of raping a child was reset last week after additional victims came forward. Terry “Wood-stock” Long, of Ash Flat, the man who was originally arrested on June 22 originally had his bond set at $1 million. It has now been raised to $3 million.

Long’s bond is now set at $3 Million- one of the highest in Sharp County history. This upgrade came after evidence from interviews with two other minor children by a Crimes Against Children investigator and a follow up investigation by the Sharp County Sheriff’s Departments Criminal Investigation team established probable cause in two more cases on June 29. Long is again accused of grooming and raping minors .Long remains in the Sharp County Detention Center awaiting the formal filing of three counts of rape in the cases. Sheriff Shane Russell said in a release that since these new charges today- still more children have come forward with similar allegations. These allegations are currently under investigation, more charges could result from the third investigation. For the original story on Long’s arrest, see the June 28 edition of the Spring River Chronicle. Also included in the original story is a first hand inter-view with one of the witnesses in the case who brought the arrest to a reality

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Tammy Curtis