North Arkansas Electric Cooperative is accepting applications for the Youth Tour to Washington, D.C., and its Operation Round Up scholarship program. Both applications are available at naeci.com and from high school counselors.
High school juniors may apply for Youth Tour. NAEC will send four teenagers on the all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C., June 15-21. Participants will explore historic monuments and museums, visit with U.S. senators and representatives, and meet other teenagers from across the country. NAEC must receive completed applications by March 15.
High school seniors may apply for the Operation Round Up Scholarship Program. It is funded by members who volunteer to have their electric bill “rounded up” each month. In 2023, 14 students were awarded $1,000 scholarships, and three students were awarded $4,000 scholarships to be disbursed in $1,000 installments for up to four years. Completed applications must be postmarked or dropped off at an NAEC office by April 11.
For both programs, applicants’ parents or legal guardians must be NAEC members.