John Way, Guest to the SRC

Rings Chapel Missionary Baptist Church will celebrate 135 years in existence on Aug.18. Historical Highlights of Rings Chapel Missionary Baptist Church

August 21, 1889 – August 18, 2024 Organization 

Rings Chapel Missionary Baptist Church was organized Wednesday, August 21, 1889 at the Enterprise School House, about one-half mile and slightly northeast of the present church building. 

The Mount View Missionary Baptist Church, which was near Cave City, extended the arm for the organization. The presbytery was composed of the following:

Elder M.M. Burge, Elder L. A. Basker, Elder S.N. Barnett, and Licensed Preacher, L. A. Bain with deacons Dr. J. W. Tibbles (from Mount View church) and laymen N. R. Landers, A.J. Wilcoxon, James Liner. L. A. Basker served as moderator and L. A. Bain as clerk. 

At first, the church was named Enterprise Baptist Church of Christ. This was due to the fact that it was in the Enterprise community. In 1891, the name was changed to the Enterprise Missionary Baptist Church of Christ. Marion Columbus Ring was the first one to be baptized by the church. He donated land for the first building. The name of the church was then changed to Rings Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. 

In the beginning, services were held monthly at 11 a.m. and Saturday and Sunday morning, then on Sunday afternoon at “early candlelight.” The Lord’s Supper was held annually in May of each year. Bro. M.M. Burge, Dr. J.W. Tibbles from Mount View MBC, and Bro. Burnett Watkins from Big Creek Missionary Baptist Church administered the elements. The church had Sunday school each Sunday except during the winter. 

Charter Members and Other “Firsts”

Charter members were: Thomas Mobley, P.M. Christenberry, I.N. Manes and Mrs. Manes, Marey Franks, Sarah Starfield, Nance Haney, Sister M. F. Mobley, Sister R. E. Christenberry, and Sister Haret Ring.

The first person to receive a letter was L.A. Basker in 1890. The first preacher licensed by the church was Bro. P.M. Christenberry on January 18, 1890. First person to be received on profession of faith and baptism was M. C. Ring, who was also elected church clerk on October 19, 1889.  

Local Association Affiliation

On September 27-29, 1890, the church petitioned the Spring River Association for membership as it met at Ash Flat, Arkansas. 

Current Deacons: Larry Bates, Leland Cooper, Harry Curtis and John R. Way

Church Buildings

Sometime between May 19, 1894 and September 18, 1894, a new building was erected. This was on land that Bro. M.C. Ring donated. The first service was held September 18, 1894. The Enterprise School House where the church had been meeting was moved to Emery and the name was changed to Center Hall. The building burned in 1907 according to an article in the Sharp County Record newspaper.

In July of 1946, the church building on the land donated by M. C. Ring was torn down and all useable parts were incorporated in the present church building. The land where the building now stands was donated by Mrs. Tinie Holley, George and Nova Crigler (Mrs. Holley’s daughter) and Charlie and Elsie Tuggle. 

Bro. James Johnson preached the first sermon in the new building on Saturday, September 14, 1948. Tragically, many of the early church records were destroyed in a fire at Bro. Claude Johnson’s house in 1954. He was the church clerk at the time. The church has ordained two preachers to the ministry: Bro. Naman Landers and Bro. Harold Boyd. 

Radio Ministry and Full Time Services

Throughout early history, the church has participated in the radio ministry of the Spring River Association. First these were at the radio station in Walnut Ridge and lately from KVMN Radio in Cave City with a twice-monthly broadcast. Recently, the church has established a Facebook page and the Sunday morning service is recorded and broadcast this way. 

The church began full-time preaching services in 1966 with Baptist Training Course on Sunday night as well The BTC was discontinued in 2015 when Bro. Terry Johnson was pastor. Wednesday night services began in 2008. Monthly nursing home services were held until October of 2015.  

Sponsoring and Encouraging Youth

Summer youth camp has been a great part of the ministry of Rings Chapel as well. Church youth and sponsors traveled to Bogg Springs Encampment near De Queen, Arkansas for many years. In the late 1970s, the Spring River Association partnered with three other local associations to acquire Budd Creek Camp near Greers Ferry, Arkansas. Since, then, the church has participated when youth are available to attend. Throughout the years, the church has voted to help fund special projects at Budd Creek including buying of furniture, remodeling cabins and purchasing Air Conditioning Units most recently. Vacation Bible School was first begun in 1985. Wednesday night services began in 2008.

Later Church Building and Further Remodeling

Further remodeling of the current building took place in 1967 with the classrooms behind the pulpit area added.   The basement addition and current entrance made in 1977 with a well drilled and bathrooms added in 1985. Further improvements were made with the paneling of the auditorium in 1988, central heat and air in 1991. 

In 2017, the church voted to have new carpet placed and the building insulated. Other improvements are currently being discussed with full Wi-Fi services and motion cameras installed this year.  

Extending the Church Property

Bro. Frank and Minnie McCubin willed their personal and real property to the church in 1994. After the will was probated, their personal property was sold at public auction. The church placed the funds in certificates of deposit. The church voted to use the money to purchase land and/or a parsonage near the church building. Bro. Robert Ring and family provided land near the present Ring Road and a mobile home was put in place. Because it was used infrequently, the mobile home was sold in 2019 and the land reverted to the family.

In 2006, the pavilion near the church was built with children’s swing sets later donated and placed near the church building as well. The baptistery was installed in May of 2008.  

New Fellowship Hall

In November of 2016, the new Fellowship Hall was begun. A special donation by the Ladies Auxiliary ($1,000 for furnishings) was gratefully received. The 40 X 40 building with full kitchen, furniture, and all other amenities was completed without borrowing any funds. 

Terry and Sue Johnson donated the organ in 2017. The grand piano was donated by Jim and Pat Hanson in 2019. The older piano was moved to the Fellowship Hall. 

ABA Association and Community Support

Rings Chapel has participated in various activities of the American Baptist Association and the Spring River Association. The church helps support several missionaries as well as the Missionary Baptist Seminary in Little Rock, Arkansas and Batesville Missionary Baptist Institute. The first Spring River Associational Singing was held at Rings Chapel in September of 1972 and continues today. The church has supported missionaries with monetary help as well as a trip to New Mexico some years ago with several from the church traveling there. 

Additionally, the church has engaged in back-pack programs for local schools and other similar endeavors such as a booth at the local Watermelon Festival, for example. 

Past and Current Leaders

Past deacons for the church have been: L.E. Ring, Claude Johnson, Theo Brown, Hiram Johnson, K. P. Ring, Johnny Curtis, Harold Boyd, Kenneth Curtis, Jimmy Ray Johnson, Jimmy Riggs, I.N. Manes, L. A. Basker, M.I. Haney, W.T. Brashers, W. P. Crigler, and J. R. Goodman. 

Pastors of the Church

M. M. Burge – 1889-1890 and 1901-1902

Robert Bane – 1890 – 1891 and 1892 – 1893

J. F. Butler – 1893-1894; 1895-1897; 1900-1901, 1909-1910

W. M. Johnson -1894 – 1895

L. A. Bane – 1898-1899; 1904-1905; 1913-1914

J. L. Brown – 1902-1903

T.C. Dyston – 1905-1906

P. M Christenberry – 1906-1907; 1908 -1909; 1915-1916

A. T. James – 1907-1908

J.T. Jones – 1910-1912; 1914-1915; 1917-1918; 1920-1924

S. Stratton – 1912-1913

(Bro) Casey -1916-1917

J. S. Johnson – 1918

W.R. Jones – 1918-1919

George Helms – 1925

Edgar Wilkerson – 1926-1927; 1961-1962

J. B. Johnson – 1928-1930; 1934-1937; 1941-1947; 1955

Barry Wilson 1931-1933

J.H. White – 1938-1940 

Theodore Landers – 1948-1951; 1964-1969

Howard Prather – 1952-1953

Herman Bonner – 1955-1956

Naman Landers – 1957-1959

Paul West – 1960

Kennard Townsley – 1963; 1970-1972; 1982-1983

Clyde Cotton – 1972; 1974-1978

Jerry Sharp -1972-1973

Chuck Roach – 1979-1980

Carl Cate – 1981

Kyle Elkins – 1984-1985

Chuck Haynes – 1986-1987

L. J. Gay – 1988-2001

Travis Hoggard – 2001 – 2002

Gary Elliot -2002 – 2007

Royce Ford – 2007 – 2010

Terry Johnson – 2010 – 2016

Patrick Trusty – 2017 -2020

Adam Liles – 2020 -2023

Brian Garrett – 2023 – To Present 

Schedule of Services for event:

Congregational Song………..John Way, Nancy Woodall, pianist

Welcome and Prayer…………Larry Bates

Reading of the church’s history….Karen Bates, Kim Melton, Valerie Gann, et al 

Reading of letters of acknowledgement of the occasion and recognition of visitors in the service- Vernon Gann

Special Music….Rings Chapel Singers

Introduction of Pastor….Harry Curtis

Special – John Way, accompanied by Nancy Woodall

Sermon…..Bro. Brian Garrett, Pastor

Closing Congregational Song-Blest Be the Tie-John Way – Linda Ring, Pianist

Closing Prayer and blessing on the meal…..Leonard Shaw.

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