By Tammy Curtis, Managing Editor/Publisher

The Sharp County Detention Center is the home to a new state-of-the-art piece of equipment that will make the jobs of those working with inmates or being housed with other inmates much safer. 

The new SOTER RS body scanner was installed a few weeks ago, but has already been a great asset to the county. It can detect contraband items quickly and effectively before they are introduced into the jail. This prevents danger to not only those working in the facility but also those who may be housed with inmates who have contraband that may cause harm to them. 

The first night it was used, the scanner detected methamphetamine within a male subject who had been brought into the jail. Sheriff Shane Russell showed the image of the drugs that were greater than 20 grams of methamphetamine but less than 100 grams within a small plastic bag hidden within the suspect’s lower body region.

Contraband detected from within an inmate on the first night the new body scanner was operation.

Sheriff Russell said, “This new technology improves safety protocols while reducing the need for invasive searches during the intake process.”

The Soter RS full-body scanner is one of the best tools available for detention facilities nationwide. Any hidden item imaginable can be revealed to the operator within seconds. It doesn’t have to be metal; the scanner can detect other materials like organics, wood, and plastics. 

The scanner immediately shows a clear difference between human tissue and other materials. The machine quickly and easily detects drugs, cell phones, weapons, explosives, or any other type of contraband commonly brought into detention facilities. These are all visible to the person conducting the scan, even if they are ingested or otherwise introduced into the human body. The new system also boasts the highest image quality available and presents no radiation, keeping the operator and subject being scanned safe. This is a win-win in the detection of contraband. Not only will the Sharp County Detention Facility be much safer, but the new scanner will also allow for quicker processing of inmates. 

The methampheatmine that was inside the inmate above.

Jail Administrator Edith Elliott explained that everyone who works in the jail will be certified after taking the required courses to enable them to use and read the scans made by the machine effectively.

Each person who is processed at the detention center is automatically scanned. Elliot explained, “As they come in the door, we will have them take off their jackets and any jewelry, belts or anything. They will then get scanned. If we think we see something there that looks suspicious, they will get dressed out and still get strip searched. They will then get their shower. They will come back to the body scanner, and we will scan them again to see if it was just an anomaly or if it was actually something,” she said of the first step of the booking process at the facility.  If they find something within the suspect, the jail staff will place the suspect in solitary confinement to protect other inmates and best monitor that person until the object is retrieved or removed from the subject.

The county purchased the machine with permission and funding from Sharp County Judge Mark Counts and the quorum court. 

A 1987 Arkansas law (AR Code § 5-54-119)  that was amended in 2023 and took effect Jan. 1, 2024, states that if a person in custody of a correctional or detention facility brings contraband materials into a jail or detention facility, the crime is a Class B Felony. This includes weapons, intoxicating beverages, controlled substances, money, cellular telephones or other communication devices, the components of cellular phones or other communication devices, or any other items that would facilitate an escape, engaging in a continuing criminal enterprise or violence within a facility is a Class B felony. If the communications devices aid in an escape, violence, or criminal enterprise, the charge is upgraded to an A Felony. The same is true if the use of a prohibited item causes death or serious bodily injury to another. 

Russell explained the charges are either guilty or not guilty based on the items and there is no plea on lesser charges.

Sheriff Russell said in an earlier press release about the scanner, “This advanced technology represents a critical step forward and is a vital investment in ensuring the safety and security of the detention center, its staff, and inmates.”

He continued by thanking the county for their support in the purchase. I want to express gratitude to Sharp County Judge Mark Counts and Sharp County Quorum Court for recognizing the importance of this upgrade and making it a reality.”

Their leadership and dedication to public safety made this project possible. This is a clear example of how working together as a community can lead to meaningful improvements that benefit everyone.

The Sharp County Sheriff’s Office is committed to, will continue its efforts in maintaining the safety and security of the community through dedicated law enforcement and innovative solutions. With a focus on integrity, professionalism, and service, the Sheriff’s Office strives to protect and serve the residents of Sharp County.

“The body scanner is part of the Sheriff’s Office’s ongoing commitment to modernizing operations and adopting innovative solutions to better serve the community. The technology provides an efficient, non-invasive way to screen individuals entering the facility, significantly reducing the risk of contraband-related incidents.”