Trey Steimel, District Two State Representative

The Arkansas House has wrapped up the second week of the 2025 Regular Session, during which several bills were passed.

HB1133, allows the Northwest Technical Institute to appoint a president with an industry background instead of requiring an educational background.

Another measure, HB1006, re-designates the 14th Judicial District as a Division A Judicial District. The House also approved legislation to separate the offices of sheriff and tax collector in both Searcy and Poinsett Counties.

Additionally, HB1075 prohibits local governments from restricting the use or sale of lawn care devices based on their energy source and prevents local governments from imposing excise taxes or fees for the same reason.

As the session progresses, members face upcoming deadlines. Any legislation affecting the licensure of healthcare providers must be filed by January 27, while legislation concerning publicly supported retirement or pension plans or state/public school health insurance must be filed by Jan. 31.

To date, more than 200 bills have been filed in the House, and over 90 bills have been introduced in the Senate.

The House will reconvene on Mon. Jan. 27, at 1:30 p.m. All committee meetings and House floor proceedings are live-streamed and recorded at

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