By Russell Stokes, Cherokee Village Mayor

Hopefully, when you read this month’s column our forecast held true and we received much needed rain. This has been the hottest and driest summer I have experienced since living in Cherokee Village. It is an experience I do not wish us to repeat.

Unfortunately, the virus is still with us and remains an influence on our lifestyle. People are still becoming infected whether vaccinated or not due to the variants of the virus circulating among us. We must continue to do our best in coping with it plus guard our personal health in the best manner possible.

At the July council meeting, Jeff Tatum was selected to fill the vacancy in Ward 2. Aug. 9 is the closing date for candidates to file for municipal office in the November general election. All petitions and other required documents must be submitted to the County Clerk on that date. In the City of Cherokee Village, you will be electing four council members, City Clerk, and Mayor to four year terms.

Recently the city replaced personnel in several departments. We welcome Charlie Akers-City Inspector/Code Enforcement and Dhughaighn(Dugan) MacMhuirich-Building and Grounds/Code Enforcement; Myles Clem and Seth Wilson-Police Department; Sloan Lane and Caleb Myers-Fire Department; and Deanna Hefner-Treasurer. We are seeking a part-time employee for our Animal Control Facility.

Again, I remind all property owners if you are having repair or remodeling work as a result of the storm damage or for other reasons; please obtain a permit for the work from our P&Z office at City Hall. This permit must be displayed where visible from the street at the work site. Failure to comply with the permit requirement may result in a citation and or fine. If you have questions as to whether your work requires a permit, contact the above office at 257-5522.

Lastly, school will begin on Aug. 15, be alert to traffic and students around our schools and drive safely.