Through a partnership with the US Department of Agriculture, Life360 Community Services is a nonprofit organization that provides meals to students in rural areas at the end of each school day.The organization has served over 10 million meals filling the hunger gap for thousands of children since its founding in 2016. The organization is on a mission to reverse poverty’s effects on rural families and communities. This year, Life360 is offering its services to all students in the Highland School District.
At the end of each school day, every student in the district will be offered a meal that can be eaten during the last 15 minutes of the school day. Each meal will include servings of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, milk, and a meat or meat alternative. Our students who would previously go home to an empty pantry will now be eating a nutritious meal at the end of the school day.
High school nurse, Nancy French, is the district organizer and point of contact for the Life 360 program. She is very excited about the opportunity to work with this organization and provide its service to Highland students. She says that this is a much needed thing for so many of the district’s families. French said she is certain that this will enhance the well-beings of these children. It is the district’s hope that the feeding program will begin on Mon. Aug. 22 and, continue throughout the school year.

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