Samantha Jackson

By: Tammy Curtis, Managing Editor

A charity golf tournament will be held Oct. 1 in Horseshoe Bend to help Samantha Jackson and her family with medical expenses as she deals with a recent diagnosis of breast cancer.

Samantha is a well loved local businesswoman who is a friend to all. She is the owner of Highland Nutrition. Her husband, Josh, is the manager at the Turkey Mountain Golf Course in Horseshoe Bend. The two havetwo sons at home. The tournament will be a three man scramble.

Registration is currently underway with a registration form on our Facebook page. The entry fee is $150
per team. Carts are available on a first come first served basis at the course for $30 each. There will be four flights with First, Second and Third Place Prizes in each. Prize amounts are dependent on number of teams entered. Mulligans will also be available.

Organizers would like the tournament to be light hearted and fun while raising much needed funds for the Jackson family. There will also be a $100 cash People’s Choice Prize for the golf cart and team who are voted the most spirited. While this tournament benefit’s Samantha, there are hundreds of other women in our area who are survivors, have lost loved ones and have been affected by breast cancer. The tournament kicks off the month long Breast Cancer awareness campaign. By decorating carts and having teams decked out in outrageous pink attire, the tournament will add fun to a very serious diagnosis and honor the victims.

Lunch will be provided by Spring River Chronicle and Paul Curtis Construction. Paul will be smoking Boston butts, there will be baked beans and slaw for sides with free drinks. Anyone who is interested in gathering a team for play this is a great cause and promises to be a fun day.

There will also be tee shirts for sale the day of the tournament and before. Designs will be posted on Facebook as soon as they are printed. Corporate sponsorship opportunities are available to help this wonderful local family as well. For more information on sponsorship, visit the Swingin’ for Samantha event on Facebook. With the cooling weather, it promises to be a fun day for a great cause.

If you don’t play golf, you can always make a donation by contacting either Tammy Curtis at 870-283-2132 or J.W. Blevins 870-371-1038.

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