By Pene Hadley
The monthly meeting of the Hardy History Association is scheduled for Thur. Nov. 3, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. in the Hardy Gym at 203 School Street.
Pene Hadley will be the presenter and will share her program entitled “A Place for Remembering – Hardy Cemetery.” Her talk will be about the history of cemeteries and how they relate to society by reflecting aspects of the people and the history of a community. Pene has always been fascinated with the history and stories of people buried in cemeteries. She enjoys learning who they were, what they did in life, and how they died.
Pene grew up in Osceola, Arkansas and traveled to and through the Spring River area as a child and later as an adult. She moved here twenty-two years ago with her father to enjoy the fishing and the rural lifestyle. She is a board member and officer of the Hardy History Association, and volunteers with the United Methodist Committee for Relief during disasters such as the tornadoes and floods of recent years. Pene was also a law enforcement officer for eleven years in Memphis and once worked as a poodle stylist.
The public is always invited to the monthly program welcomed at meetings of the Hardy History Association, currently being held at the Hardy Gym, 203 School Street. For more information, contact [email protected].