Jacob Moore, 18, is a senior at Cave City High School where he plays for and captains the football, basketball, and soccer teams. He is an honor student with a bright future. On Sat., Jan. 7, Jacob was diagnosed with B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (B-ALL). Early in the week, he was experiencing extreme fatigue and following an appointment at the family clinic where he assumed he would learn that he had mono, Jacob was referred to Arkansas Children’s Hospital. He and his parents, Dianne and Randal Moore, rushed from Cave City to Little Rock, dropping everything in the middle of a work/school day. Following two days of tests and uncertainty, Jacob learned he has leukemia. This is a bad break and a tough diagnosis, but the prognosis is optimistic. The team at Children’s Hospital is excellent, and they are confident in their treatment plan. Jacob began chemotherapy on Monday, January 9. For the first couple of months, Jacob will be back and forth from Sharp County weekly for follow-up treatments and evaluation. Of course, this will disrupt everything about Jacob’s senior year and normal life for his family. Dianne and Randal will have to take a lot of time off work, and there will be a lot of extra expenses for travel, meals, and care. They need and will be strengthened by your prayers, your encouragement, and your friendship. They would never ask, but if you can support them with resources to help with the additional expenses, I am sure they will feel grateful and blessed. You can give here or locally in an account at the Bank of Cave City. Thank you for thinking about Jacob, praying for him and his family, and being on his team as he faces this new challenge.