Ozarka College welcomes Shannon Williams as the new Certified Flight Instructor for the Aviation Department. “Shannon has been a classroom instructor for our program as well as an adjunct flight instructor for us since August 2022. He has become a trusted and greatly appreciated member of our staff,” said Clinton Jackson, Ozarka College Aviation Director.“He has and will continue to be called on as a meteorology and advanced instrument instructor in the class-room, and will assist greatly with private, instrument, commercial, and multi-enginetraining for the fore-seeable future.”

“I am absolutely delighted to join Ozarka Aviation as a full-time instructor. To see our students, trans-form and go into the workforce as a highly trained, safety-oriented pilots is an absolute pleasure. I am utterly humbled to have the opportunity to have a small part in the training and molding of these young pilots. I truly believe the old Chinese Proverb ‘If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.’ It is such an hon-or to be a part of this institution, and to be apart of the lives of our students.” said Shan-non. A native of Wynne Williams holds an Associate of Applied Science from Ozarka.