The Ozark Folk Center State Park is offering two business of craft apprenticeships for the summer of2023. Opportunities are available in leatherwork, knifemaking, letterpress printing, stained glass, gardening and other heritage crafts. These apprenticeships are being offered to students 16 and older. They require approval of the craft master selected, 96 hours of hands-on study in Mountain View and regular progress reports. A final project must be exhibited in September at the Apprentice Show at the Ozark Folk Center State Park. The apprenticeships are funded by the Committee of One Hundred for the Ozark Folk Center. Since1974, the committee has funded training for hundreds of apprentices in heritage crafts and gardening.For applicationsand more informationabout the apprentice-ships, contact Jeanette Larson, craft director,at [email protected] or call 870-269-3854.The Ozark Folk Cen-ter State Park, is locat-ed in Mountain View,Ark., is open season-ally from April to Oc-tober. The park’s mis-sion is “to perpetuate,present and promotethe Ozark way of lifein an educational andenjoyable manner.”To learn more vis-it or call 870-269-3851.Arkansas StateParks is a divisionof the Arkansas De-partment of Parks,Heritage and Tour-ism. Arkansas stateparks and museumscover 55,006 acresof forest, wetlands,fish and wildlife hab-itat, outdoor recre-ation facilities, andunique historic andcultural resources.Established in 1923,Arkansas State Parkspreserve special plac-es for future genera-tions, provide qualityrecreation and edu-cation opportunities,enhance the state’seconomy throughtourism and provideleadership in re-source conservation.Connect with ASP onFacebook, Instagramand Twitter, and and to learn more.Arkansas Depart-ment of Parks, Heri-tage and TourismThe Arkansas De-partment of Parks,Heritage and Tour-ism protects andpromotes our state’snatural, cultural andhistoric assets, con-tributing to a thriv-ing economy andhigh quality of life.It is made up of threedivisions: ArkansasState Parks, Arkan-sas Heritage andArkansas Tourism.Mike Mills serves asthe cabinet secretaryfor the department.