It wasn’t a flash in the pan when Carolyn England recently set herself a goal for new cookware. England  decided she wanted a new set of Pioneer Woman pots and pans and started saving her money over the past few months. After buying the set she wanted, England then wanted to try one of the delicious recipes that came with the set, Chicken Alfredo with Broccoli and Cherry Tomatoes. Her CES Waiver worker, Toni Cavitt, said the recipe was a complete success. “This dish is amazing. I’m so proud of Carolyn,” Cavitt said. “You can tell by the smile on her face she loves to cook and has definitely started choosing healthy meals. Bon appétit. England lives in Sharp County, where she receives Com-munity and Employment Support (CES)Waiver services from Network of Community Options, Inc. For more information about services offered by NCO call Executive Director Lisa Pinkston at 870-612-5900 ext. 101 or CES Waiver Director Debra Woods at 870-612-5900 ext. 103, or