From Police Release

On the afternoon of April 8, 2023 the Evening Shade Police Department took a report regarding a male posing as a law enforcement officer. The victim stated that she was pulled over near Pierson Road on Evening Shade Drive at approximately 4 p.m. The victim described the suspect vehicle as a white Ford Crown Victoria with an emergency light that could be fixed to the interior dashboard, or roof of the vehicle. The victim described the impersonator as a cleanshaven, white male with dark brown hair, styled into a flat top

The suspect appeared to be approximately five foot six inches tall and slightly overweight. The victim stated that the impersonator was dressed in a black, fatigue-style uniform, but did not recall seeing a badge or firearm, but was carrying a hand held radio. The victim was briefly detained in the backseat of the car, but was later released. Her cellphone was stolen by the impersonator after realizing he had been recorded. After the incident, the victim contacted her family, who in turn contacted the Evening Shade Police Department. The Evening Shade Police Department immediately contacted Sharp County Dispatch to advise other agencies in and around Sharp County of the incident. Local law enforcement is still searching for the police imposter. Anyone with any information pertinent to this case, is advised to contact Sharp County Dispatch at 870-994-2211.Should you feel you are being pulled over by a potential police impersonator, the following tips have been given to ensure your safety.

1.Put your flashers on, drive the speedlimit and call 911from your cell phone. Tell the 911 dispatcher that you are concerned that someonetrying to pull you over in an unmarked police car may not be a police officer. Ask the dispatcher to verifywhether the car attempting to pull you over is a law enforcement officers. If you do not have a cellphone, drive to a well lit, busy area such as a parking lot of a busy store such as a grocery store.

2.Do not flee from the vehicle attempting to pull you over.

3.Do not stop your vehicle or get out of your vehicle until a dispatcher can confirm you are being pulled over by a legitimate police officer.

4.If the dispatcher can not confirm you are being pulled over by a police officer, stay on the line with the dispatcher, ask for police assistance. Driver carefully to a safe place, such as a police department.