For students interested in earning a degree at Ozarka College, the Arkansas Future Grant program covers tuition and fees for students entering one of Ozarka’s 50+eligible degree/certificate programs. Every person who has graduated from a high school, homeschool or GED program in Arkansas; or anyone who has a high school diploma, has lived in Arkansas for the last three years, and has not yet earned an Associate degree are eligible to apply for the Arkansas Future Grant. Arkansas Future(ArFuture) is a state grant scholarship pro-gram. The purpose of this grant is to increase the education and skills of Arkansas’s workforce in an affordable manner. The grant applies to students enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) or regional high-demand areas of study. The grant will cover tuition and fees for qualifying certificate and Associate degree pro-grams at Arkansas’ public institutions for eligible students. The grant is available on a first-come, first-serve basis and students must have filed a Free Application for Feder-al Student Aid (FAF-SA).The deadline to ap-ply for the ArFuture Grant is July 1, 2023.For details about the grant and eligibility please visit and search for ARFUTURE or contact our Ozarka Admissions office at 870-368-2300.

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Tammy Curtis