Jamison McHenry of Glencoe from Highland High School was elected as a State Representative for his congressional district at Arkansas Boys State 2023, a summer leadership and civic engagement experience sponsored by the American Legion. McHenry was elected by his peers during district elections on Tuesday, May 30, as part of the 82nd annual session of Arkansas Boys State, where students build a mock government structure, including eight different congressional districts each with three senators and 10 representatives.“ Being elected as State Representative is quite the special opportunity for Jamison and his fellow legislators,” said David Saterfield, director of instruction for Arkansas Boys State. “He’ll get an up-close and personal look at the legislative process with his own state legislators leading him through the process.” On Wednesday, McHenry will meet with Arkansas legislators to learn more about the legislative branch and process. As part of their meeting, McHenry will join his fellow Arkansas Boys State senators and representatives in creating mock legislation that they will debate and vote upon at the state capitol on Friday.“ I’m excited to see what ideas Jamison and his fellow legislators bring to the House and Senate floors on Friday,” Saterfield said. “I hope these Arkansas Boys State legislators take it all in when they’re at the capitol. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.” McHenry is one of more than 470 students from throughout the state attending Arkansas Boys State at the University of Central Arkansas in Conway. Students are mock citizens in eight different counties and congressional districts, sixteen cities, and two political parties. Tuesday at Arkansas Boys State also welcomed the beginning of campaigning for statewide office, including the office of governor.