Conway Spurlock

I am seeking Position Four on the Highland School Board. I and five of my children graduated from Highland. My youngest son attends Highland Middle School. My family has lived in what is now the Highland School District for 190 years, so I  have strong ties to our community and only want what is best for our children. 

I have 45 years experience in construction and have offered advice to previous administrators on ways to maintain our buildings and make them safer for the children. In my opinion, the main goal of a school system should be to provide  qualified personnel to teach, with an emphasis on the core subjects. 

All sitting school board members are part of the 28 percent of voters who want to raise our taxes. I would like to be a voice for the 72 percent of citizens who said no to more taxes for unfettered spending. 

I am asking for your vote and support. 

Together we can make a difference.