Bobby Woods

On August 9, I, Bobby Woods, will file papers to run for the Highland School Board in the November 2023 election. Part of this major decision is because of the July 18 school board’s decision to take “no action” on a community group’s request to allow public comment sessions at each board meeting without pre-approval of the board. 

The current policy requires you to write a letter to the superintendent informing them of what you want to talk about, and they deliver it to the board, who then decides if you can be placed on the agenda at a future date. This is a policy and not a law enacted by the district, and I don’t agree with it. As an institution that is funded by our tax dollars from federal, state and local taxes, I believe WE need to be able to discuss spending and funding in an open public forum with those who fund our schools. I don’t see this as a radical request. I believe in transparency from those elected to be stewards of our tax dollars. The current policy breeds division, confusion, and uncertainty in our community even if that is not its intention to do so. 

After the failed millage, I believe that community input is needed at meetings or town hall forums allowing the parents and taxpayers a voice. I respect each member of the board and their community service, but currently, I believe change is needed because WE THE PEOPLE, as taxpayers and parents, need a say in how our tax dollars are spent. As a graduate of Highland High School and with two children currently attending school within this district, I want a clear picture of what is to come after the failed millage for a new school. I believe in holding community meetings to speak to people who live here and get their ideas and 

visions for the future. If we must pay more taxes, we need a clear picture of what we are buying. The way the last millage request was handled was the incorrect way to ask for a tax increase in my opinion. 

I want to be more informed with our school systems dyslexia program and find the advantages of what we use and what other options are out there for use. I want to ensure the public and myself as a parent that Highland Schools use the most up to date dyslexia intervention methods and ensure each student has the help they need to graduate and become successful citizens.  

Over the next few months, I will share more of my vision for our children and their future at Highland School. I respectfully ask that whatever your opinion is of the school district you do not comment or make this a personal attack on any member of the district. This is nothing personal against any one person, I just plan on being an informed parent and want a voice on how things are handled in the school district. Any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to me at 870-214-0409 (cell) or my personal email [email protected].