Press Release from Devon Holder, Prosecuting Attorney for the Third Judicial District,
Sharp, Lawrence, Randolph and Jackson Counties.

The Third Judicial District Drug Task Force has now been up and running for approximately three months. In the first quarter alone, officers within the Thrd Judicial District seized approximately $968,000.00 in street value worth of illicit drugs throughout the district with over 40 arrests and more cases are still pending. This could not have been accomplished without the support and cooperation uf the local sheriff’s offices and police deparlments. To see all agencies working together for a common goal in the arrests of the individuals who are involved in the illegal distribution of controlled substances is an amazing sight. To the surrounding Drug Task Forces, including the Second Judicial District and the 16th Judicial District, and the Arkansas State Police, Prosecuting Attorney Devon Holder thanked them for theirsupport and cooperation. He would also like to thank the Izard County Sheriff’s Office in assisting with the overdoses that have taken place in our district. “We are seeing more and more of these as the fentanyl and heroin are becoming more prevalent. Holder would like to thank his full-time Drug Task Force officers, officers that are assigned to the Drug Task Force from local departments, and every single local law enforcement agency for the number of hours and hard work that they have put into drug enforcement. Sheriffs and chiefs throughout the district have logged many hours in assisting our officers, even corning out late at night to assist.” Holder added, “I want to reiterate to the individuals involved in the illicit drug trade that the invisible walls of city and county lines are no more.”
Special thanks to the following departments:
Chief Archer- Black Rock Police Department
Chief Edington- Pocahontas Police Department
Chief Lane- Cherokee Village Police Department
ChiefDravenstott- Highland Police Department
Chief Powell-Ash Flat Police Department
Chief Cooksey- Walnut Ridge Police Department

Chief Rose- Hardy Police Department
Chief Coursey- Evening Shade Police Department
Chief Dulaney- Newport Police Deparhnent
Chief Barnett- Cave City Police Department
Chief Moore- Swifton Police Department
Chief Dixon-Tuckerman Police Department
Sheriff Russell- Sharp County Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff Bell- Randolph Cotmty Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff Brinsfield- Jackson County Sheriff’s Office
SheriffWaldrupe- Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office
These agencies have helped with much needed manpower, equipment, and funding to help start the Drug Task Force.

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Tammy Curtis