Tammy Curtis, Managing Editor

A man wanted for several Cave City area break-ins since Sept. 26, 2024 turned himself in to the Sharp County Sheriff’s Department around 6:15 p.m. 

A source close to the family told this news agency that officers from the Sharp County Sheriff’s Department met with Norris’ girlfriend, who then texted him and encouraged him to turn himself in. He then made contact with Lieutenant Bryce Trivitt and arranged a meeting under the stipulation he could visit with his children first.

Sharp County Li eutenants Greg Stewart and Trivitt as well as Officers Lane King and Hunter Taylor were joined by Cave City Police officers Sgt. Trint Milligan and Bladen Croslin met at the Cave City Park. Officers surrounded the park keeping eyes on Norris while he was allowed to see his children for one hour before being taken into custody. Trivitt said he was taken in with no issues.

Rickey Norris, 27, of Sidney has been on the run from law enforcement for nearly four months after a Sept. 26 search warrant revealed stolen merchandise in a shed and at his residence. 

While Norris was on the run from the September incident, he was arrested in Independence County  on Jan. 14 after he led police on a pursuit in a truck he is believed to have stolen the night before in Jackson County. He was ultimately pitted out by an Arkansas State Police Trooper and taken into custody. He was injured in the accident and transported to a Little Rock Hospital where he underwent surgery, and left the hospital. He has not been seen since. At the Independence County incident, Norris also was also found in possession of a firearm.

Norris has been wanted in Sharp County since September when Scott Breckenridge witnessed him leaving a shop he owned on a four wheeler. At that time, he had allegedly broken into it or was attempting to break into it. The building was located on North Ridge Road at Cave City.

On Sept. 24, 2023, Sharp County deputies received a tip that several items that had been stolen in recent months were at an address on East Red Barn Road in Evening Shade. When Deputies responded to the address, a male subject, who was later identified as Rickey Norris fled from the property. Consent was later obtained from the landlord to conduct a search of the property that included a small shed, and the residence itself. Several items known to be stolen were located. Although the exact value of these items is unknown, it is believed that at least $25,000 worth of property was recovered. Evidence at the residence would also show Norris to be the primary suspect.

As the thorough search was conducted, a burn pile was located in which documents and other items were found. These items include photographs, schoolwork and report cards dating back to the 1960s. Several of the documents were able to be collected without causing major damage. These types of documents are typically kept as keepsakes and passed on for several generations within a family.

Sheriff Russell said, “The acts of this suspect are not only illegal but disgusting. Let this be a reminder to not only him, but to any other individuals who have stolen or are stealing. Don’t take something that isn’t yours. You have no legal right to them, and these victims have worked hard for what they have. This has been an ongoing investigation for several months and although we have been able to locate one of the primary locations, it is believed other stolen property has yet to be recovered. The description of these items are being withheld due to the security needed to locate the rightful owners.

 The arrest in Independence County was where Norris was believed to have been hiding during this time.

Trivitt cited Norris with five counts, including Theft by Receiving greater than or equal to $5000 but less than $25,000, a Class C Felony: Theft by Receiving;  Less than $1000, A Class A Misdeamenor; Fleeing, a Class A Misdemeanor and Aggravated Assault, a Felony. Norris is currently in the Sharp County Detention Center awaiting a bond hearing. 

Thanks to the coordination between both departments, Norris was taken off the streets and to jail to face his charges.

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