In the Matter of the Estate of Randy Bernard Ratliff. Case No. 68PR-24-122

Randy Bernard Ratliff, deceased on 28 December 2023, his last known address was 857 Highway 167, Cave City Arkansas. On September 26, 2024 an affidavit for collection of small estate by distributee was filed with respect to the estate of Randy Bernard Ratliff, deceased, with the clerk of probate division for the circuit court of Sharp County, Arkansas, under Ark. Code Ann. §28-41-101. 

All persons having claims against the estate must exhibit them, properly verified, to the distribute or his attorney within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice or they shall be forever barred and precluded from any benefit of the estate. 

The name, mailing address, and telephone number of the distributee’s attorney is:

Abraham S. Keefer, Bar #2020226

506 S. Main St.

Cave City, AR. 72521


This notice first published on Oct. 16, 2024.

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