Tammy Curtis, Managing Editor

Three area schools recently learned they would receive their share of nearly $7 million for being recognized by the Arkansas School Recognition Program. Under Arkansas Code Annotated. §6-15-2107, the program was created to provide financial awards to public schools that experience high student performance, student academic growth, and for secondary schools, high graduation rate.  

The program authorizes rewards of up to $100 per student who attends a public or public charter school in the top 5 percent of all Arkansas public schools in student performance or academic growth. This includes high school graduation rates for secondary schools under criteria set forth by the rule of the State Board of Education.  

Up to $50 per student enrolled is awarded to public schools or public charter schools between the top six to ten percent of public schools in Arkansas with the same criteria. 

This year, schools throughout the state were awarded $6,999,873. 

Locally, Cave City School District ranked the highest, falling in the Top Five Percent in Growth and Graduation. They will receive $33,506.88

Highland School District ranked in the Top Six to Ten percent in Growth and Graduation Rates and will receive $24,080.54.

Mammoth Spring School District is also ranked in the top six to ten percent in growth and graduation rates and will receive  $10,374.62.

Collectively, Sharp and Fulton County Schools were awarded nearly $68.000. Considering the high poverty rates in all three districts, these numbers are something for these districts to be incredibly proud of. 

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