Tammy Curtis, Publisher

Several area public service agencies were happy to get their share of over $1 million in American Rescue Plan funds from Sharp County last night.  

The largest portion, $860,000, was unanimously voted upon by all Justices except Bart Schulz, who abstained, to be evenly distributed to all 14 of Sharp County’s rural fire departments. A smaller portion of the allotment was also given to Zion Fire Department,  which covers part of Izard County and Nine Mile Ride, which covers part of Fulton County. 

Other distributions included funds for two area food banks and to help purchase a house for the newly established Safe Night ministries, benefiting abused and battered women and men. 

Be sure to check out our Wednesday, July 20  edition for detailed story and a feature article highlighting one of the entities awarded the funds to see how they plan to utilize the much needed money.