Margo and Jan Lusk

Strawberry River Chapter DAR met Saturday, September 10, 2022. Regent Jan Lusk reported on the August State Board of Management meeting which was in LR. She and chapter registrar Cynthia Clow-Elliott, who is the Arkansas VIS State Chair, attended the meeting. Our chapter received several certificates recognizing chapter work for 2021 which were presented at the DAR Continental Congress held June 29-July 2 in Washington, D.C.
The chapter received the following recognitions: Individual Recognitions-Cynthia Clow-Elliott (Volunteer Information Specialist Committee—Outstanding Service, State VIS Co-Chair), Cynthia Clow-Elliott (Volunteer Genealogist Committee—South Central Division for Outstanding Service), Cynthia Clow-Elliott (DAR Service for Veterans Committee—South Central Division Winner, Outstanding Veteran Volunteer Award), Lana Rodgers (South Central Division for Outstanding Service Constitution Week), Margo Lusk (South Central Division for Outstanding Service Constitution Week), Jan Lusk (South Central Division for Outstanding Service—Public Relations and Media Committee), Jan Lusk (South Central Division for Outstanding Graphic Design to Honor Our Patriots).
Chapter Recognitions-100% Participation in the President General’s Project—Rise and Shine for America, Chapter Achievement Award—Level I (for work completed in 2021), Public Relations and Media Committee—Presented to Strawberry River Chapter, South Central Division for Outstanding Special Project, Membership Committee—10% or Higher Net Member Increase, Membership Committee—(Luminary Challenge, Brilliant Level) recognizes chapters who have a 25% increase in membership by new member application and 5% or less decrease in membership through resignation or drops for non-payment of dues over the duration of the VanBuren Administration 2019-2022, Membership Committee– (Luminary Challenge, Radiant Level) is an annual recognition for chapters who maintain a 10% increase in membership by new member application and 2% or less decrease in membership through resignation or drops for non-payment of dues, Membership Committee—Zero Member Resignations/Drops, Conservation Committee—Outstanding Service.
Following the business meeting, members viewed a video introducing Pamela Rouse Wright of Texas, who was installed in June as the President General of the National Society, and her administration goals for the next three years. She and her Executive Officer team will preside through June of 2025.
Strawberry River is a small chapter covering Sharp, Izard, and Fulton Counties. We work to fulfill the three objectives of DAR which are Education, Historic Preservation, and Patriotism as established in 1890 by our founding members.
Any woman 18 years or older, regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background, who can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution is eligible for membership. Contact Jan Lusk at 870-847-0548 or Cynthia Clow-Elliott at 870-750-0874 for information.