Network of Community Options, Inc. consumer Colin Treat received a special piece of mail this week, an autographed photo from Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson.
Colin’s mother, Sonia Estes, said Colin loves to receive mail with his name on it, specifically. She said she used to work for the Izard County Office of Emergency Management and has known Douglas Smith, who is a Public Safety Liaison with Gov. Hutchinson, for a number of years.
She said she recently posted on social media a picture of Colin receiving his first Christmas card of the season, then said Smith saw her post about how much Colin liked to receive mail and contacted her for Colin’s address.
“He was so excited his hands were shaking like crazy trying to open the envelope,” she said.
Colin receives Community and Employment Support (CES) Waiver services from NCO, Inc. For more information about services offered by NCO visit or call 870-612-5900.