By: Tammy Curtis, Managing Editor

The community, including students from surrounding districts as well as businesses have all stepped up their game to help one of their own. While they all may wear different color jerseys on the field and court, one thing remains the same, they have all brought out the orange in honor of 18-yearold Jacob Moore. Moore is a senior from Cave City who captains the football, basketball and soccer teams. In addition to being an exceptional athlete, he also works with younger children in the peewee basketball program and is an honor student. This didn’t prevent him from being dealt a rough hand recently when he was diagnosed on Jan. 7 with B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia B-ALL. Since then the communities have done nothing but be supportive of he and his family. His long time girlfriend, Esther Bellar, and sister, Maddie Verser, immediately set up a GoFund Me account when they received the difficult news. With a goal of reaching $3,000, the funds were surpassed in less than half an hour. The account has raised almost$25,000 of their second$30,000 goal. Donations are steadily pouring in to help this well loved young man. Besides funds, prayers from all across the state came in for Jacob. Jacob’s parents, Randal and Diane Moore, have continued to be gracious for the outpouring of support for their son. Besides the GoFund Me, an account at Bank of Cave City was also set up as Jacob began his chemotherapy on Jan. 9, at Children’s Hospital. Cave City showed their support for Jacob on Jan. 13as orange ribbons, wreaths and balloons stood testament to passers by of the community’s love for Ja-cob. Orange signs, banners, clothing, and hats were donned all around the city in support of Jacob. Jacob’s Fight is Our Fight was the common theme. Highland Student Council is currently working on a large fundraiser for Jacob, through their YOU Path Classes. Several area businesses have even joined in on the fun and agreed to match the funds raised by the class for the family. The money students raise will be donated when the Rebels play the Cavemen on Tuesday, Feb 7 at Highland. Any local businesses interested in matching the contributions are encouraged to do so to help this family in their time of need.